
Big Time Rush' Pictures, Images and Photos Big Time Rush' Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, April 14, 2011

NeW sChOoL~~!!! SeMSe!!!

Salam.. Sori lame x update.. Lupa..sifat manusia..
Hehehehe....Aq skola kat SeMsE...
Nak tau..Sekolah Men. Senawang..
Best la gak.. Ummm....

Td maen bola jaring...sampai sakit kaki...hahahaha...
ok la nk btul kan blog nie ciket..~~ bye..
Wassalam... :P

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Salam..Disebab kan Aizie mintak aq update blog..
Yela..Die kan best friend aq...
Cuti sudah 2 minggu bermula... :P
X jumpa kwn2...sedih lak..

Tp x pe, dieorg dh wat mcm reunion alien 6 utarid..
Kat Pizzahut , Centre Point
Kul 11:30 smpai 14;00

Oke la..Nk out lu..
Bye bye..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Ahhhh!!!!!!! Gua tkt!!!
Esk is the day!!
'A DAy!!!'
The 'R' Day!!!
It's 11/11/10!!
The Result of The UPSR!!!
DAh la nk gi buat ape2 je...

Bye2!!! WAssalam...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Penat nyer...

Penat nyer ari ni...
Well dok dlm kete jer tp tetap penat...
Mula2 gi mkn "branch"..
Pastu gi S2 punyer balai polis...
Dn kteorg gi City park jap...

N gi Nilai...
PAstu balik Seremban..
Then,pegi tgk MEGAMIND...
Kemudian gi hospital...
Gi balik umah n pegi mkn n balik umah...

n aq dpt tau yg UPSR punyr results akan keluar on..


Dpt la tau aq apt brp A...
Aq doakan semoga 'Six Girlz' dpt 5 A!!!


Friday, October 29, 2010

New hair!!!

Salam semua...
Smlm aq pegi potong rambut....
Potong rambut sampai pendek.....
Org tu ptg rambut panjang aq jd mcm waktu silam aq dulu..

Dh bye2!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Variety Is Happy!!!!

Ari ni dh abis periksa akhir thn.....
Masa seni td aq x cukup masa tau...
Tp nasib baik Aizie n Yaya ade...
Dieorg tlg aq siapkan bende alah tu...
Jgn bagitau cikgu tau...

Pas2 kiteorg main uno speed plak...
Aq asyik menang jer...kiteorg mcm org giler....
Tergelak sini tergelak sana...
Menjerit jerit...

Lepas menang 3 kali berturut2..
kite org pegi la rehat n mkn...
Aq bawak ayam KFC....
Aizie bawak maggi goreng ,Pu3 bawak nasi lemak..
Kite orang mkn same2 share sana sini..

Dh la nk pegi bye2!!! 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Halfway There...

When the chips are down
Back against the wall
Got no more to give
Cause we gave it all
Seems like going a distance is unrealistic
But we're too far from the start

So we take what comes, and we keep on going
Leaning on each other's shoulders
Then we turn around
And see we've come so far somehow

We're halfway there
We're Looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there
And looking back now
Never thought I'll ever say
We're Halfway there
We're Halfway there

If we never flew
We would never fall
If the world was ours
We would have it all
But the life we live
Isn't so simplistic
You just don't get what you want

So we take what comes
And we keep on going
Leaning on each others shoulders
Then we turn around
And see we've come so far somehow

We're halfway there
We're looking good now
Nothing is going get in the way
We're halfway there
And looking back now
Never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there
We're halfway there

How are you ever gonna reach the stars
If you never get off the ground
And you'll always be where you are
If you're letting life knock you down

We're halfway there
We're looking good now
Nothing is going get in the way
We're halfway there
And looking back now
Never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there
We're halfway there

We're halfway there (x5)